
Driving the future of geothermal energy in Europe

The GEOTHERMICA Initiative stands at the forefront of Europe's efforts to advance geothermal energy as a key solution to meet the continent's renewable energy goals. Building on the successes of earlier projects like GEOTHERMAL ERA-NET, supported under the FP7 framework and further expanded through the GEOTHERMICA ERA-Net under Horizon 2020, this initiative is vital in transforming the geothermal energy landscape.

A legacy of innovation and collaboration

The GEOTHERMAL ERA NET, launched in 2012, marked a turning point in European geothermal energy collaboration. With Icelandic leadership through Guðni A. Jóhannesson, then Director General of Orkustofnun. It was supported by the European Commission, aimed to enhance European cooperation on geothermal research and integrate national programs. Led by Orkustofnun Iceland, this four-year project included partners from Iceland, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, and Slovakia.

Geothermal energy development requires a multidisciplinary approach, spanning earth sciences, engineering, and commercial sectors. The project focused on optimizing resource characterization, development, and management while addressing the challenges of coordinating a fragmented geothermal industry across Europe.

 National geothermal programs were often developed independently, responding to local conditions and resources, leading to duplicated efforts across Europe. The ERA-NET project sought to overcome this fragmentation by uniting research efforts, identifying key challenges, and developing strategies to enhance collaboration and prioritize geothermal development.

Geothermal ERA-Net focus

The project addressed geothermal deployment challenges by developing advanced resource assessment and risk management tools, attracting stakeholders. It enhanced understanding of geothermal energy efficiency and reliability, particularly in high-temperature and deep systems. Harmonized European regulations simplified processes for developers and investors, fostering a better environment for geothermal energy development.

Risk mitigation and resource assessment

Technological advancements

Policy and regulatory frameworks

Geothermal ERA-NET laid a strong foundation

Strengthen European collaboration at national and administrative levels.

Facilitate the integration of national research programs.

Develop a cohesive agenda for a European geothermal R&D program.

Create a comprehensive European Geothermal Database.

Focus on the utilization of geothermal energy, ranging from direct use to high-enthalpy resources for power generation.

GEOTHERMICA Horizon 2020

Building on the foundation laid by the Geothermal ERA-NET, the GEOTHERMICA was launched under the Horizon 2020 framework. Its goal was to accelerate the deployment of innovative geothermal technologies and integrate geothermal energy into broader energy systems to meet both local and regional needs. GEOTHERMICA combined the financial resources and know-how of twenty geothermal energy research and innovation programme owners and managers from sixteen countries and regions.

Advancing geothermal energy through strategic partnerships and innovation

GEOTHERMICA worked closely with key stakeholders, such as the European Commission, the European Geothermal Energy Council, and the Energy Research Alliance. Through a series of funding calls, the initiative launched projects to promote cooperation, reduce the time to market for new technologies, and encourage transnational research.

Mobilized nearly €90 million in private and public investment for thirty joint projects.

Launched two calls between 2017 - 2019, expanding participation to include partners from the U.S. and Norway and third one with JPP Smart Energy Systems network in 2021.

Funded projects focused on deep geothermal technologies and innovative applications like integrating geothermal energy into district heating networks.


GETOHERMICA advanced into contributed to geothermal innovation and brought new technologies closer to large-scale commercial implementation. This collaborative endeavor aimed to accelerate the deployment of geothermal energy in Europe by:

Pooling national and EC funds for research and innovation

Focusing on improving business cases for geothermal energy

Establishing a long-lasting strategic collaboration of national geothermal research and innovation.

In 2023 GEOTHERMICA Horizon 2020 transitioned to GEOTHERMICA Initiative


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The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 731117 between 2017-2022. Currently, project transitioned to GEOTHERMICA Initiaitive