26 February 2025
Geothermal Synergy project closing conference

The international Geothermal Synergy Project recently concluded with an online closing conference via ZOOM on 26th February, attended by 54 participants from across the sector. The event brought together leading experts and stakeholders to review the project’s achievements and to set a forward-looking framework for enhanced cooperation between Poland and Iceland in geothermal energy.
Opening remarks and roject overview
The conference began with opening remarks from Krzysztof Galos, Chief State Geologist and Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, and Gestur Petursson, CEO of Umhverfis og Orkustofnun (UOS). Their speeches highlighted the significance of sustainable energy development and the common vision for geothermal innovation.
Stephan Schreiber, co-chair of the GEOTHERMICA Initiative Cabinet, delivered a comprehensive overview of the GEOTHERMICA Initiative. Paul Ramsak, co-chair of the GEOTHERMICA Initiative Cabinet, followed by outlining the initiative’s primary focus areas and the tangible benefits for Poland.
Panel discussion and expert insights
A panel discussion moderated by Grzegorz Burek from Globenergia featured contributions from distinguished panelists including:
- Magdalena Wdowin (MEERI PAS),
- Wojciech Łysik (Ministry of Climate & Environment),
- Baldur Petursson (UOS),
- Witold Nowak (Association of Polish Cities),
- Stephan Schreiber (Geothermica Initiative Cabinet).
During the discussion, Baldur Petursson emphasized the critical importance of training and knowledge exchange between countries, advocating for enhanced capacity building within Poland’s regulatory framework and expressing hope that Poland will soon join the GEOTHERMICA Initiative. Stephan Schreiber expressed admiration for Poland’s recent achievements in geothermal projects and underscored the need for greater international cooperation. Highlighting the potential impact of creating a Resources Park and developing Geothermal Tourism, Stephan noted that increasing GEOTHERMICA Initiative membership would encourage broader sharing of innovative ideas—an advantage for both Poland and the initiative. Paul Ramsak observed that the project’s events have not only fostered new friendships but also aligned shared business, project, and legislative goals. Witold Nowak emphasized the considerable benefits for cities and stressed that sharing both successes and challenges is vital for collective progress. He stated, “Together we are smarter, together we are stronger, together we are not alone”. In his closing remarks, Mr. Łysik conveyed optimism regarding forthcoming EEA projects, noting that new opportunities are expected to materialize with signatures anticipated in the spring and concrete actions by year’s end.
Policy perspectives and international best practices
Shifting focus to energy policies, Grzegorz Burek presented a detailed analysis of Poland’s energy strategies in the context of geothermal development. Building on this discussion, Antoine Lochet from Elements BY BBA//FJELDCO presented on “Geothermal Policies, Legislation and Regulations Iceland”, providing valuable insights into Iceland’s regulatory framework and offering practical perspectives for future international cooperation. See full report here
Project highlights and future outlook
The conference continued with a comprehensive review of the Geothermal Synergy Project’s main activities and outcomes, presented by Magdalena Tyszer (MEERI PAS)and Alicja Wiktoria-Stokłosa (UOS). The session recapped key milestones and innovative solutions achieved during the project.
The closing conference successfully brought together experts and decision-makers to celebrate the achievements of the Geothermal Synergy Project while laying the groundwork for continued international collaboration. The discussions reinforced the shared commitment to harnessing geothermal energy as a sustainable resource, ensuring that the collaborative spirit and innovative ideas generated during the project will drive future advancements in the sector.
Published: February 2025
By: Alicja Wiktoria Stokłosa – UOS, Magdalena Tyszer – MEERI PAS

Meeting agenda
GEOTHERMICA Initiative - benefits and focus areas for cooperation - Stephan Schreiber PtJ & Paul Ramsak RVO.
Poland's energy policies and strategies in the context of geothermal energy Grzegorz Burek (Globenergia)
Presentation on main activities and results of the Geothermal Synergy Project - Alicja Wiktoria-Stokłosa (UOS), Magdalena Tyszer (MEERI PAS)
Geothermal Policies, Legislation and Regulations in Iceland - Antoine Lochet, Elements by BBA